
La dulzura de vivir... desnuda... prohibida... en el 2015... y en Dinamarca




"La policia danesa clausura la última exposición de Mathilde Grafström por ser "indecente".

La policía danesa ha irrumpido en la última exposición de la fotógrafa danesa Mathilde Grafström, situada en la plaza Nytorv de Copenhague, y se ha llevado todas las fotografías clausurándola. ¿La razón? Se mostraban mujeres danesas desnudas en parajes naturales de la región, algo que la policía calificó de indecente.  (...) 

Mathilde Grafström considera triste y difícil de creer que se haya realizado esta clausura, teniendo en cuenta que (según su punto de vista) la ciudad de Copenhage está inundada de carteles y publicidad donde aparecen mujeres desnudas.

Sus fotografías, en contraposición a las imágenes de cuerpos de los anuncios, muestran a mujeres reales con imperfecciones que no desaparecen como en el mundo de la moda y la publicidad. Tal y como explica en su página web, los seres humanos somos más bellos de lo que creemos y tenemos una gran carga de ideas negativas hacia nosotros mismos. Cuando nos deshacemos de esta carga negativa, brillamos y somos mucho más bellos de lo que creemos. Y eso es lo que intenta realizando estas fotografías.

La forma de trabajar de esta fotógrafa es particular, ya que ella misma se encuentra desnuda durante las sesiones fotográficas con idea de encontrarse al mismo nivel de sus modelos. Sin embargo, ella misma reconoce tener ciertos complejos y sufrir por su aspecto físico cuando se encuentra con su pareja.

Su trabajo es por tanto una forma de revindicar belleza sin filtros y un intento de terapia con sus modelos. Una sana forma mejor de luchar contra los complejos frente a dañinas opciones como la cirugía estética, que según la fotógrafa, se encuentra anunciada en gran cantidad de espacios públicos y puede ser perjudicial para gran cantidad de mujeres jóvenes al hacerles creer que una operación puede solucionar los problemas de autoestima."                      (xatacafoto, 21-Diciembre - 2015)

The Female Beauty Project 

The female photographer, Mathilde Grafström has discovered that the picture we have of our self, determines how we appear to others. When she is shooting her models, she is using this insight to make her models show themselves from their best side. 

”When we don't make our self small, boring and ugly with our own thoughts, we shine naturally of beauty, life and joy" she says and continues: ”All humans have more beauty in them than they realize. And it can be called forward in one days time, if we are willing to work with our self and question all our negative beliefs about our self.” 

"I love to shoot my models whilst they are naked. But sometimes it can be difficult because I also fight with my own problems; I think my hips and breasts are to small. Sometimes when my boyfriend are looking at my body, I think that I'm unattractive. But then I can see that it's all the negative thoughts about my body that makes me less beautiful and unfree. 

When I think harder about it, then these thoughts are not new, but very old - I came to believe this about myself early in my life as a little girl, when I didn't receive the love and care I needed from  my parents. I dreamt of being my fathers little princess, but I rarely was, so I came to believe that I was not pretty enough for him. Today I know that these thoughts are nonsense and not true. When I am weeding my inner flowerbed from old thoughts, I get really happy. And I see that I am perfect just as I am.

 This is the knowledge I use when I help my models to find their beauty - and suddenly the girl that I'm working with can let go and show herself to me. And this is the moment where she is full of life, and that makes me so happy to see. This is also when I just know that these pictures are great, because this is all it takes to look amazing.

 It's important for me that my models understand that the pictures I want to make of her, is not about how she looks physically, but about the life energi and beauty she contains. I believe that the saying, that true beauty comes from inside, is actually true, so it's not so much about the pose or position she is in when we are shooting, but more about the deeper understanding of herself, and when she gets that - the real work has begun.

Now the negative beliefs can be hunt down and destroyed, because they are not good on pictures. With this bad attitude you can never look or feel good.

Often when they see the pictures after the shooting has ended, I succeed with making women really happy for a longer period of time, when they realize that they are actually really wonderful, alive and beautiful.." Mathilde Grafström

1 comentario :

Anónimo dijo...

love the first girl. her body and pussy are amazing. such hot pussy lips